ICT and business services for SMEs

Newsletter SPF

Gennaio 2020

Aggiornamenti e note di approfondimento su mercato immobiliare e legislazione edilizia - n. 1 - gennaio 2020

Il giorno 23/01/2020 presso la sala G01 della UCL – dipartimento BARTLETT

School of Planning, Stefania Fiorentino terrà un seminario sulle nuove
tendenze nel settore immobiliare direzionale. L’intervento sarà centrato su co- working space e “uffici flessibili”, mostrando come questo fenomeno modellerà
il futuro del settore e illustrando i casi di Londra e Roma.

Di seguito l’abstract della conferenza e la locandina.

5.30pm, 23rd January 2020
G.01, Central House

London Planning Seminar: Flexible office spaces: variables, typologies and trends. An overview from London and Rome

Speaker: Dr Stefania Fiorentino

The increasing political and economic uncertainties registered in Europe are affecting
the locational patterns of innovative small enterprises. A growing number of
freelancing and project-based work has had an impact on the working spaces and the
commercial real estate market. Flexible and shared office spaces of different forms
are becoming the new trend to accustom the need of start-ups and creative or
innovative entrepreneurs. This study explores the contextual dynamics of co-working
spaces in two very different cities – both for real estate trends and for local economic
development dynamics - like Rome and London. The main typologies of spaces
found are similar but the way they are declined is very different in the two cities,
influenced by the surrounding socio-economic variables. Considering the co-working
and flexible office market in London is better established, the comparison with a real
estate market where co-working is in its infancy, like that of Rome, allows us to
critically address the growth of this type of office space and to address possible
recommendations for stakeholders such as policymakers, real estate professionals
and office occupiers.